Vacations Are Important To Take

Mental health is a big issue this day in age, not only taking time off is good for you, but it can also help your career. You earn vacation days for a reason and if you do not decide to use them, you could do harm to yourself and your company, and you could lose the well-earned time that you deserve if your company does not allow you to roll time over. Employees who do not take time off run a higher risk of issues like insomnia, high blood pressure, heart disease, alcohol or substance abuse, fatigue, sadness, anger, and many more negative effects. Let’s look at why taking vacation days are good for you.

  • Your health is the most important aspect of your life. Not taking any time for yourself to relax can result in many negative affects such as insomnia, high blood pressure, heart disease, alcohol or substance abuse, fatigue, sadness, anger, and many more. Choosing to ignore taking time off will take a menta, physical and emotional toll on yourself.
  • Your family is another important aspect of your life. Making memories with your family will last a lifetime. Take time off to build better bonds between you and your significant other, you and your kids, and you and your family. Take a break, relax and enjoy the moments with them as they will not be there forever.
  • You become a better employee at work. Time not spent at work can stimulate creativity and improve your performance. Not only does this improve but taking time off can give your mind a fresh “start” and potentially lead you to come up with your next BIG idea!
  • You’ve earned it! Lastly, taking vacation is good for you because you have earned it! Not only do you lose out on precious time that you’ve earned, but your company can also be harmed by this. Unused time can become a liability to company balance sheets and make you less productive while you are there.